June 05, 2024

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Mary Cohen and Robert Croizet.
Often on the border between figuration and abstraction, Mary Albitzia's world, in search of infinity, is constructed from colorful units which intertwine. Born into an artist's family, she was inspired by the Abstracts of the 60s, including Maria Hellena Viera da Silva, who had a profound impact on her. She begins a painting without preconceived ideas or plans,
she discovers while walking, she looks and the painting follows her.

Having lived for around thirty years in Nice, Robert Croizet remembers the violence of the contrasts, the flowering of bougainvillea on the white walls, the blue of the sea. He mainly uses acrylic with a knife and chose the abstract in dreaming in front of the paintings of Nicolas de Staël, Pierre Soulages, Georges Mathieu and many
others less known. He likes to think that the viewer lets himself be carried away by his world.