


The origins of the brotherhoods of charity date back to the 1493th century and gained momentum at the end of the Middle Ages. They arise from the need to bury the many dead during plague epidemics. Each brotherhood, attached to an old parish (today more generally a village) and placed under the patronage of a saint, is distinguished by its particular banner. It usually has internal rules. The members are the alderman or master, the provost, the clerk, the tintenellier or clocheteux, and the brothers. The brotherhood of Chennebrun was created in 1950 and lasted until the XNUMXs.
The Notre-Dame de Chennebrun church has a museum space where embroidered clothes of procession and funeral rites are exhibited.


  • Average duration of the individual visit: 60 min



  • Free parking


  • Site accessible to strollers

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