Distance: 8 km
Duration (average) : 2:30
Elevation: 59 m D +
Departure: Ambenay (5 church square)


This circuit connects the towns of Rugles and Ambenay by following the course of the Risle. Manor, dolmen, churches and forges punctuate the route.

Your itinerary

Ambenay (5 church square)


Step 1

Looking at the departure sign, go to the left and pass in front of the porch of the church. Go downstairs. At the bottom of the stairs, cross rue Arthur Lebon on the pedestrian crossing and turn left. On leaving the village, take the first path to the right to descend into the valley. Cross the Risle on the footbridge, then walk between the barriers to reach the hamlet of Moulin Roger. Go carefully to the left on the small road. Before entering the hamlet of Les Forges, notice the dolmen in the private property near the river. After the ponds and the house of the fishing company, continue towards Rugles and leaving the road which climbs to the right.

Step 2

At the crossroads, near the hospital, go down rue de la Bové to the left, and, in front of the swimming pool, take rue du moulin to the right. Pass the wash house and take the path on the left entering Parc François Mitterrand. Take the outside path to reach the footbridge that you cross. Cross the car park to the left.

Step 3

At the road, near the other departure sign, take rue Notre-Dame to the left. Cross the parterre of trees to go along the houses and take the small street opposite which goes up towards the countryside. In the hamlet of Bailly, continue to the right to reach the main road that you cross carefully. Continue to pass in front of the Château de l'Ecureuil. At the corner of the castle, go to the left. Before the pond, take the small path on the right, and turn right at the end of the path.

Step 4

At the road, cross to take the path immediately to the left on the other side of the farm. Walk in the plain, cross an avenue of trees, an old railway line, then follow a curve to the right to reach the road. Go to the left following the GR. At the crossroads, continue opposite to pass between the first houses of Ambenay. Turn left, then go opposite in the rue de la gare to reach the starting point.

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