On the seigneurial estate of Chambray in Mesnils-sur-Iton, between Evreux and Verneuil d'Avre et d'Iton, this great event celebrates natural gardening every autumn.
Organized by the municipality of Mesnils-sur-Iton with the support of the Normandie Sud Eure intercommunality and the Chambray agricultural high school, the first edition attracted 3 visitors to the castle grounds in 000.
It's a story !
It's more than 1000 years of history that we travel through the various paths of the Seigniorial Estate of Chambray in Mesnils-sur-Iton (commune delegated to Gouville). The establishment of an agricultural high school on this estate is far from trivial. Indeed, the Chambray family became involved very early (XNUMXth century) in agricultural research and landscaping. In the XNUMXth century, a vast vegetable garden was laid out there. Restored from 2014, the XNUMXst century Chambray vegetable gardennd century aims to be both educational and nurturing.
It was therefore legitimate for a major plant festival to see the light of day there in 2022.

Professional meetings, visits and activities for young and old
Les Végétales de Chambray is the perfect opportunity to benefit directly from the advice of professionals to lay out your garden, discover plants or simply take a walk in the gardens of the château.
Many professionals, horticulturists and nurserymen offer a exhibition and sale of plants (plants, fruit and ornamental trees, bulbs) and advise you. Of the artisans, creators objects and fittings for the garden and home, and local product producers present their achievements.

The Center for Resources and Environmental Education offers, for adults and children, a program of tours and entertainment : guided tours of the vegetable garden and the castle, fun and educational workshops around plants and techniques for maintaining a vegetable garden, conferences, exhibitions, etc.
Organizations such as SETOM, SEPASE or SMABI are present to communicate on the management of water, waste and biodiversity.