Distance: 5,8 km
Duration (average) : 1:30
Elevation: 101 m D +
Departure: Chaise-Dieu-du-Theil (Place Albert-de-Selle-de-Beauchamp)


By mountain bike

Protected village because located on a registered site, Chaise-Dieu-du-Theil has a remarkable architectural heritage: chapel, priory, mariette, castle, wash house ... This circuit allows hikers to discover this pretty village and its finest heritage assets, but also to stroll in peace on paths lined with hedges and pollard trees, typical of this region of Normandy.

Your itinerary

Chair-God-of-Theil (Place Albert-de-Selle-de-Beauchamp)


Step 1

From the town hall car park, go opposite in the rue de l'Abbaye, passing in front of the mariette. In front of the porch of the abbey, it is possible to take the path on the right to go to the Saint Jean chapel and return to the road. Go down towards Iton. Turn right on the path after the river. At the road leading to the rural lodging, continue opposite. When you reach the Pont Pillu footbridge, take the path to the left to continue on the road. Cross the departmental road and go straight ahead on the path. Pass the ditch and continue to Boulay. At the farm, continue on the road. Turn right to follow the road carefully.

Step 2

Leave the first path before the ditch and take the stone path on the left towards Les Ronciers which ends in tarmac. At the crossroads, turn to
left to follow the road carefully. At the next crossroads, go to the right to reach the entrance to the hamlet of Theil. At Calvary ... without a cross, turn left. Cross the Iton.

Step 3

Take the path to the left a little after the bridge. Go up to the right in the path. On the road, turn right to reach the church. At the crossroads, turn left into the rue des champs longs, then left again into the cemetery path. In front of the cemetery, enter the
path to the right. At the end of the path, take the Roman Borne road to the left to reach the town hall.

To discover nearby

Le Barilois


The Barilois

Le Becquet


The Becquet

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